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1:3 Ethanol/distilled H2O Spagyric tincture of Tribulus terrestris with salt principle added.  
Planetary ruler: Mars

Physical properties*:
The spikey ‘fruits’ of this plant contain 15-60% steroid furonstanol saponins. It also contains protodioscin which remedies genito-urinary problems and can increase testosterone by up to 30%. This herb is spicy, bitter and warm, which may sound like a combination to get things charging along, but in reality, it actually anchors excesses of fire (yang) in the body and soothes energy flow throughout – this can be felt in a sweet aftertaste which comes along later. Untethered yang (volatile fire) can cause dizziness, headache, vertigo, blurred vision, hypertension in the cardiovascular system and a bitter taste in the mouth. It is soothing for the liver, which may help ease symptoms such as fullness (without eating), distention in the chest, insufficient lactation, and irregular menses. It is an excellent herb for clarifying swollen, red, itchy, teary eyes that may be overly sensitive to light. Tribulus may also relieve itchy conditions such as eczema, skin lesions, vitiligo, and/or neurodermatitis, which may be occurring along with blood deficiencies. Tribulus is perhaps most popularly know as a sex-aid, being reported to increase sexual satisfaction, libido, desire, and lubrication in women. For men it is said to help manage erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation. Tribulus may also help to reduce pain and inflammation, fight cancer. Kidney stones are also another ailment Tribulus is particularly useful at remediating.

*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.

Spiritual properties*:
Generally speaking our modern society suffers from an excess of yang, that is to say: volatility, over-competitiveness, a rapid pace of life, domineering relational dynamics and more. Tribulus helps us to realise where we are being brought into states of tension, fire and aggression that are unnecessary and wasteful. This herb helps to take the ‘fight’ that is going on around us and place it outside of our being, then we are free to discern areas of inner conflict that are causing us to contribute to the excess of unhelpful yang prolific in our modern world. On the flip-side Tribulus will help fortify those who have relinquished their warrior spirit because they have seen or been in involved situations of conflict, aggression, argument etc, in a way that caused them to mistrust the fire element. These people may be suffering from weak boundaries of not being in touch with what they really want – being the type to be ‘walked over.’ This thorny herb will help such people to pick up their sword again,  to begin speaking the truth, being self-affirming, and to carve out a path with discernment and a desire to bring about a unity that levels the playing field between the domineering and the meek. Equanimous egalitarian happiness.

-Pregnancy and breast feeding: Tribulus should be avoided by those who are pregnant and breastfeeding.
- Tribulus terrestris side effects include mild symptoms like stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, constipation and diarrhea.
- Blood pressure medications: Tribulus may decrease the effectiveness of some blood pressure/blood thinning medications, or it may make them overly effective.

Tribulus (Bai Ji Li)


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    Disclaimer: Products sold on this site have not been approved by the TGA, FDA or any other food and medicine licensing organisation, they are intended for self-directed research purposes only and are not sold on the grounds of diagnosis, or for the purposes of curing illnesses and injury. Product descriptions are not claims of what each product can do, rather, they are condensed compilations of others scientific research conducted on unique preparations of that plant; anecdotal evidence of previous users; and/or documented historical uses. All advice given through our communication channels is to enable the customer to select products most likely to fulfil their health desires, it is not offered as a treatment plan and contains no guarantees of curing or mitigating any illnesses or injuries. Advice and product recommendations do not serve as a diagnosis, and if one has health concerns they should consult with their doctor or other health professionals. Finally, we would like to acknowledge that one’s health is ultimately one’s own responsibility, Soul Garden Medicines (SGM) does not take any responsibility for the state of health created by SGM products or any advice/guidance given in their retailing. 

    © Soul Garden Medicines.   .ABN: 68755641187

    Phone: +61 419 929 973
    Address: 27 View Terrace, East Fremantle WA 6158

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