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1:5 Ethanol/distilled H2O Spagyric tincture of organic dried Glycyrrhiza glabra root with salt principle added.
Planetary ruler: Venus
Recommended dosage: 5-15drops 1-3times per day.

Physical properties*:
One of Traditional Chinese Medicines most prominent herbs, it is known as ‘the great harmonizer’ due to the fact that it is added to hundreds and hundreds of formulas in order to harmonize the action of all other herbs in the formula. As an individual herb Licorice creates harmony in the body by bringing sweet, nourishing, fortifying, gently warming and soothing properties. It is indicated where stress has caused the body to stop sending resources to certain parts of itself, this root is like a conductor that moves other herbs, foods and minerals to depleted parts of the body. It contains over 300 different chemical compounds which give it the following properties: liver detoxifying and protecting, blood purifying, kidney healing, restorative for gut lining, lung strengthening, tonic to the adrenals and laxative. Many herbs are considered ‘anti-inflammatory’ due to the anti-oxidant compounds they hold, however licorice could be considered one of the true ‘anti-inflammatory’ herbs because it has the capacity to extend the life of cortisol in the body, which is one of the bodies primary inflammation regulating compounds. Other health challenges that licorice can treat include:  acid reflux, indigestion, peptic ulcers, H. pylori bacteria overgrowth, asthma, strep throat, PCOD, cavities, menopause, diabetes, and weight gain.

*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page - statements and products not approved by TGA.

Emotional/Spiritual Properties*:
Above all things, and through all things, and below all things, runs a current called harmony. On the one hand it can allow all things to be as they are… on the other, it is a potent force that can magnetize all that is carrying on in a corrupting, damaging way, and pacify it, neutralize it, ask of it, how it would truly like to be… in harmony of course. Licorice is a bearer of this harmony, it carries it firmly into our being, sometimes asking us to realise what is disharmonious and vow to align it with what we know to be true; and at other times it can simply let us sink into the feeling of sweet oneness. Licorice does many things within the body, and so emotionally our response can be quite diverse… it invokes a deep sigh, relief from all the fussing… a cheery smile moves forward, tension eases, the breath gets deeper. Overall things become smoother, less intense, thus this is highly recommended for people who feel manic, or those who may live with such intensity that they burn the candle of their vitality to a chard stump. Licorice can take us away from all the external intensity that we create and engage in, and sink us back into our body, helping us to realise and understand what is actually necessary from moment to moment. From this deepened understanding of what is necessary to honor from moment to moment we can move with greater flow, fixating less, letting ourselves fall trustingly into the wider web of being. In this way licorice also helps us to sense into relationship dynamics so we can truly smooth areas of conflict and agitation not by smoothing over them, but by smoothing into them, committing deeply to the current of harmony that runs through all things.

-Pregnancy and breastfeeding:  Studies on women who consumed large whilst pregnant and breastfeeding showed that their children had a slightly higher incidence of brain impairment during later years of life.
-Licorice has also been shown to interact with the following drugs: nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), estrogen-based contraceptives, cholesterol lowering medications, including statins, blood thinners, blood pressure medications, and diuretics.

Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page.




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    Disclaimer: Products sold on this site have not been approved by the TGA, FDA or any other food and medicine licensing organisation, they are intended for self-directed research purposes only and are not sold on the grounds of diagnosis, or for the purposes of curing illnesses and injury. Product descriptions are not claims of what each product can do, rather, they are condensed compilations of others scientific research conducted on unique preparations of that plant; anecdotal evidence of previous users; and/or documented historical uses. All advice given through our communication channels is to enable the customer to select products most likely to fulfil their health desires, it is not offered as a treatment plan and contains no guarantees of curing or mitigating any illnesses or injuries. Advice and product recommendations do not serve as a diagnosis, and if one has health concerns they should consult with their doctor or other health professionals. Finally, we would like to acknowledge that one’s health is ultimately one’s own responsibility, Soul Garden Medicines (SGM) does not take any responsibility for the state of health created by SGM products or any advice/guidance given in their retailing. 

    © Soul Garden Medicines.   .ABN: 68755641187

    Phone: +61 419 929 973
    Address: 27 View Terrace, East Fremantle WA 6158

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