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Iron Formula 

For one experiencing low iron, and/or anemia*. 
2 Versions (one for pregnant women is without rhemmania).
Recommended usage: 15-20 drops 2-3 times a day shortly before meals (after is also acceptable, but less prepared). 
Like all herbal and supplemental forms of iron this formula is intended to be take as a tonic, that means: consistently over long periods of time (at least for 2 weeks). It is technically impossible to recieve sufficient amounts of iron from herbal supplements alone, so please consume this supplement along with a regular diet, or a diet high in iron. The herbs and cell salts in this formula will awaken your bodies ability to absorb and utilise iron correctly - noting that iron is fairly abundant on the earth and in our food chain (everything absorbs it),  and it cannot be destroyed during cooking, so most people actually recieve sufficient iron through their diet. However, much of the time when people have tested positive for 'low iron' it means their body is storing that iron in the tissues and not holding it in the bloodstream where it is most useful and where the tests are taken from. This formula refreshes and revitalises the blood and other associated organs so they may collect and utilise iron correctly. The herbs themselves contain vitamin C, copper and other enzymes necessary for iron absoption as well as relatively high amounts of iron. See further details on the individual herbs below. 
We recommend also dosing with copper and magnesium supplements for best results. 

He-Shou-Wu: This herb is extremely high in iron and zinc, containing up to 10x more of these elements that many other herbs, it is said to harvest and store the ‘chi’ (physical life-force) of the earth like no other plant. He Shou Wu’s ability to gather in and concentrate minerals so effectively lead to nourishing the blood in a steady but very deep and strong way. It is also very harmonizing for kidney function, where some blood building occours.

Yellow Dock: The herb contains high amounts of biochelated iron that is readily absorbed by the bodies cells, it also contains enzymes and compounds that help release stored iron in the liver. On top of this it also contains high amounts of vitamin C which help with the absorption of iron. Yellow dock also helps to tonify weak tissue in the intestines which helps the body to harvest nutrition from food more effectively. Yellow dock is an alterative, meaning that it cleanses the blood, purified blood allows iron to move into and out of the blood with greater ease, and also be utilized within the blood stream with greater ease.

Nettle (Whole Plant): Nettle leaves are indeed high in iron, more importantly though nettle eases liver aggravation which may be causing an excess of digestive fire and subsequent malabsorption of minerals and metals.

Rhemmania: Rhemmania is another deeply fortifying herb – like he-shou-wu- though Rhemmania possesses the ability to nourish bone marrow, wherefrom red blood cells are produced. It has an effect on the endocrine system, encouraging hormones that nourish fertility – particularly in women- and it also nourishes and rectify the function of the adrenal glands (easing adrenal fatigue and hyperactive fight or flight responses

Cell salts (from  75 year old cell cultures):
Iron Phosphate, Magnesium phosphate, Calcium Phosphate.


*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page.​​​​​​​

Iron Formula


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    Disclaimer: Products sold on this site have not been approved by the TGA, FDA or any other food and medicine licensing organisation, they are intended for self-directed research purposes only and are not sold on the grounds of diagnosis, or for the purposes of curing illnesses and injury. Product descriptions are not claims of what each product can do, rather, they are condensed compilations of others scientific research conducted on unique preparations of that plant; anecdotal evidence of previous users; and/or documented historical uses. All advice given through our communication channels is to enable the customer to select products most likely to fulfil their health desires, it is not offered as a treatment plan and contains no guarantees of curing or mitigating any illnesses or injuries. Advice and product recommendations do not serve as a diagnosis, and if one has health concerns they should consult with their doctor or other health professionals. Finally, we would like to acknowledge that one’s health is ultimately one’s own responsibility, Soul Garden Medicines (SGM) does not take any responsibility for the state of health created by SGM products or any advice/guidance given in their retailing. 

    © Soul Garden Medicines.   .ABN: 68755641187

    Phone: +61 419 929 973
    Address: 27 View Terrace, East Fremantle WA 6158

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