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Anit-Parasite Mix

Cat’s Claw (Tomentosa)
Pau D Arco
Pine Needle

Optional: Garlic

This formula is designed to downregulate and kill off parasites, worms, bacterial infestations and yeast overgrowths*.
Some hostile organisms the herbs in this mix have been proven to combat are:
Pinworm: Wormwood, Garlic, Andrographis
Candida: Cat’s Claw, Pau D Arco, Pine Needle
Staph (
Staphylococcus aureus): Pau D Arco, Andrographis, Wormwood, Allium Sativum
Gastrointestinal Nematodes :Wormwood, Ginger, Andrographis.
Trematodes (
S. mansoni (Flukes), Plasmodium falciparum (Malaria)): Wormwood, Andrographis, Cat’s Claw, Garlic
Roundworms (
Trichostrongylus colubriformis & Ascaris lumbricoides): Wormwood, Garlic, Ginger
Tapeworm (Hymenolepis nana): Ginger, Wormwood, Garlic, Pine Needle,

Giardiasis (Giardia lamblia): Garlic,
Gram Positive Bacteria (Bacillus subtilis and Micrococcus lutea): Pine Needle, Cat’s Claw, Andrographis, Wormwood
Gram Negative Bacteria(Proteus mirabilis and E. coli): Pine Needle, Wormwood, Andrographis  

Salmonella: Wormwood

Note that this list is not complete, there are likely other bacteria that these herbs combat.

Recommended Dosage: 20-35 drops (0.75-1.2ml) per day.
It is also recommended that this formula is not taken for more than 2 weeks, as some of these herbs may become challenging for the livers of some people to process as they build up. Take a 5 day break after 2 weeks and then recommence consumption for another 2 weeks.

*Before purchase please see full disclaimer at bottom of page.

Antiparasite Mix


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    Disclaimer: Products sold on this site have not been approved by the TGA, FDA or any other food and medicine licensing organisation, they are intended for self-directed research purposes only and are not sold on the grounds of diagnosis, or for the purposes of curing illnesses and injury. Product descriptions are not claims of what each product can do, rather, they are condensed compilations of others scientific research conducted on unique preparations of that plant; anecdotal evidence of previous users; and/or documented historical uses. All advice given through our communication channels is to enable the customer to select products most likely to fulfil their health desires, it is not offered as a treatment plan and contains no guarantees of curing or mitigating any illnesses or injuries. Advice and product recommendations do not serve as a diagnosis, and if one has health concerns they should consult with their doctor or other health professionals. Finally, we would like to acknowledge that one’s health is ultimately one’s own responsibility, Soul Garden Medicines (SGM) does not take any responsibility for the state of health created by SGM products or any advice/guidance given in their retailing. 

    © Soul Garden Medicines.   .ABN: 68755641187

    Phone: +61 419 929 973
    Address: 27 View Terrace, East Fremantle WA 6158

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